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Are you ready to absolutely love your life and business?

Achieve work-life balance and time freedom by scaling your photography business around the things that light you up…

So you can finally hit consistent 5-figure months without burning out.




Around here, scaling isn’t just about making more money - it’s about growing your business based on what lights you up.

It’s about creating the life you want to live while finding fulfillment in every piece of your business.

Here, scaling means having work-life balance, time freedom, and the capacity to provide a luxury experience to your clients without burning out.

It’s about putting in the work to implement long-term, sustainable strategies that will continue to support you and your clients for years to come, so you can book less while making more.

Scaling is about having income from multiple streams of revenue set up on autopilot so you can bring in consistent revenue even in the slow seasons.

And when it all comes down to it, scaling is simply about hitting your biggest goals and achieving your dreams while supporting yourself along the way.

If that’s the kind of scaling you’re after, friend, then you’re in the right place. 

A 5 month group mentorship for wedding photographers ready to implement advanced, proven strategies to sustainably scale their business and finally achieve the revenue and work-life balance they deserve…

Without spending years in trial-and-error mode.


scale it photography mentorship program





Because what I’m going to share with you could be just what you need to finally achieve the business and life of your dreams.

And you’d love nothing more than to feel fulfilled by every part of your business but you’re not quite sure how to get there… 

If you know there has to be more to business than being on a constant hamster wheel of content creation, back-to-back weekends of double- and triple-headers, and days of laying on the couch ghosting everything and everyone to recover, 

And you’re tired of feeling burnt out, exhausted, and like your business gets all of you while your health and the people you love take the back burner…

If you’re ready to make consistent $5K, $10K, or even $25K months while still having time to enjoy your life,

And you’re done with being overbooked and capped on your income, having little-to-no free time to spend with your partner, family, and friends… 

Then keep reading, my dear friend

If you know deep down that running a photography business is what you’re meant to do - it’s your long-term vision and dream to run a successful photography business, not just a hobby you’re into...

Tell me if this sounds like where you’re at in business and life right now…

While you’re really proud and grateful of what you’ve accomplished so far and business feels good most days, there are some days (okay, a lot of days) where it doesn’t feel so good…

+ You’re stressed, overwhelmed, and sitting there wondering when all your work will finally balance out and pay off

+ You struggle to keep up and you’re so far behind on your editing, to a point where you avoid posting personal things to your stories. You’ve even had to resort to posting “just because I’m on a date with my husband doesn’t mean I’m not working on your galleries” because you know your clients are wondering where the heck their photos are

+ You’re in the middle of your biggest year so far (yay!), but the thought of being this busy again next year, and the one after that, (and the one after that…) makes you really anxious. Your body is already hurting, and you can’t even imagine what kind of pain you’ll be in 10 years down the road

+ You constantly compare yourself to other photographers and feel like you should be way further ahead, especially in times when inquiries are super low, and you’re not sure when the next one is going to come in or what to post to make that happen

+ You no longer want to book 30+ weddings a year. You know that you could provide a much more elevated experience for your couples if you weren’t working double- and triple-headers every weekend of the busy season

+ You don’t have balance in any area of your business or life. You’re either working (shooting, editing, emailing, writing content) all the time or you’re so exhausted and completely ghosting everything. You don’t have the energy to do anything more than zone out on the couch to whatever reality show Netflix just put out

My friend, I’ve been exactly where you are, and I know how hard it is - to be in the middle of what was supposed to be your ‘dream’ and realize it’s not living up to what you imagined, but also seeing the potential for what could be.


The fact that you’re still here tells me you want to scale your business and bring in more revenue, but something is holding you back…

After mentoring over 80 photographers who’ve been exactly where you are, I’ve noticed a pattern. Here are 4 big things that come up over and over again that hold people back from moving forward and scaling their business:

You think scaling simply means to bring in more money (and you’ve already tried to do that).

You’ve tried to ‘scale’ by raising your prices and taking on more bookings, but because there’s a cap on how much you can work, that means your income is also capped out. Most photographers try this and find that it just leads to more overwhelm and burn out. So if you’ve done this, please don’t think you’ve already tried to scale and that it just won’t work for you. This simply isn’t true.

big thing 1

You think scaling requires pivoting into education (and that might not be your thing)

It’s so popular in the photography community right now, but it’s not what you want to focus on yet (or maybe not ever)! That’s totally fine. You don’t have to pivot into education to scale your business. In fact, I don’t recommend adding an education stream until your photography business is running more on autopilot and requiring way less of you than it currently is. There’s no point in adding more onto a plate that’s already full. 

big thing 2

You’re not sure you have enough experience to scale.

The photographers you’ve watched scale their businesses all had many more years under their belt, so surely you need to wait a little longer, right? Wrong, friend. In my experience, most photographers wait far too long before they start implementing marketing strategies that could support them in their next phase of business growth. In reality, implementing these strategies will help you get to where you want to be faster. You don’t need to wait a random number of years before setting yourself up for long-term success. 

(However, the strategies we talk about here aren’t for folks who are brand new to business - if you’ve never had your own clients, don’t have a website, or know how to run a sales call, these strategies will be too advanced for you.)

big thing 3

You have absolutely no idea what direction you would take to scale because there are soooo many options.

And you definitely don’t want to spend time, energy, and money testing everything and trying to figure out what works. You want someone who’s been there to hand you proven strategies and tools that will help you scale in ways that feel great for you. You’ve experimented enough in your business! Now, you want to put your time + energy into things you know are going to work for photography businesses specifically.

big thing 4

dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment // dream with me for a moment //

Think about how good it would feel to make consistent 5-figure months (even in slow season) and have a work-life balance that allows you to do the things you love every single week.

Imagine being that photographer with a team shooting weddings all around your area every weekend - and opening your calendar for next year and seeing 35 weddings on there, but knowing that you only have to be at 15 of them because your perfectly trained team will handle the rest. 

Imagine looking at your editing queue and knowing that it’s all being handled by someone that’s not you. Someone you’ve trained properly, who knows what they’re doing, so that you can actually deliver galleries when you say you're going to - and realizing you no longer have to spend 10-15 hours on editing every single week. What would you do with 10-15 extra hours this week?

Imagine deciding to take a random Tuesday or Thursday off to go on a hike with your girlfriends, out to lunch with your mom, or for a full-blown self-care day and not feeling like you’re going to have a pile of work to catch up the next day, or like inquiries are going to slow down because you didn’t post content.

Imagine never having to stress about the algorithm again - because you have ads running to promote your business, you don’t have to rely on Instagram to show your posts or reels to your dream couples.

Imagine no longer having to set an alarm to wake up, not having a set time you need to be at your desk, and never again spending 12+ hour days on your laptop because you’ve offloaded and automated so many of your business tasks that you can finally work just 4-6 hours a day.

And imagine seeing Stripe notifications popping up on your screen every single week, even in “slow season”, thanks to consistent album sales, and ads and email funnels bringing new clients into your world excited for your highest tier package.

Take a second and sink into that dream with me, friend

You finally have the time freedom and the money to live your life the way you want to live it - doing the things you love to do, seeing the balance in your bank account go up, practicing self-care regularly, going on trips without working, and pouring back into your relationships.

If you’re starting to feel relieved just reading those words, imagine how great it would feel for that to be your actual life. 

My friend, I’ve got just the thing for you.


scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program // scale it mentorship program //

A 5 month group mentorship for wedding photographers ready to implement advanced, proven strategies to sustainably scale their business and finally achieve the revenue and work-life balance they deserve…

Without spending years in trial-and-error mode.

Scale It will show you how to use my 5 advanced, proven strategies to scale your photography business on autopilot - so it requires less of you while bringing in more revenue. 

In Scale It, you’ll learn how to create systems that promote and sell for you 24/7, outsource to free up 10 hours of your time/week, implement advanced marketing + advertising so you consistently attract dream clients, sell prints on repeat to bring in $1000 of bonus income (or more) each month, build a team that works while you enjoy your life, and pivot into education and begin offering digital products, courses, programs, or workshops.

Scale It will show you how to use my 5 advanced, proven strategies to scale your photography business on autopilot - so it requires less of you while bringing in more revenue

In Scale It, you’ll learn how to create systems that promote and sell for you 24/7, outsource to free up 10 hours of your time/week, implement advanced marketing + advertising so you consistently attract dream clients, sell prints on repeat to bring in $1000 of bonus income (or more) each month, build a team that works while you enjoy your life, and pivot into education and begin offering digital products, courses, programs, or workshops.

6-figure photography business owner, photography mentor and educator to over 80 students, podcaster, iced coffee lover, and major advocate for work-life balance.

It wasn’t always this way, in fact in my second year of business I completely lost myself. I had no time for friends or family and I had no idea what my hobbies even were. I was booking 30+ weddings a year, doing double- or triple-headers every weekend of busy season, and hiding from the whole world while I recovered. It was awful and I knew that something needed to change.

Now, after implementing the strategies I’m going to teach you inside Scale It, I book a max of 15 weddings per year and hit $25,000+ months consistently.

Here’s what June and July of this year looked like:

hi friend, I'm Claire.

I’m finally able to spend dedicated time every week pouring into my health and my relationship, doing the things that I love to do like traveling, reading books (any other Colleen Hoover lovers here?), and exploring the beautiful outdoors and all the rooftop patios Colorado has to offer.

It didn’t happen overnight, but once I started implementing advanced scaling strategies, I was finally able to stop feeling so overwhelmed in my business, and oh my goodness, what a relief that was. 

The space that I gained from implementing one strategy allowed me to implement another, and another, until finally so many areas of my business were running on autopilot…

Like my album sales, which brought in $3895 in profit this past April:

Those $35K + $46K months, I worked 30 hours a week (NOT 65 like years before) and actually got to spend time serving myself alongside my clients. 

Now, I’m strategically marketing and advertising all of my offerings so I'm always generating new inquiries on autopilot, I have multiple streams of revenue set up so I’m making great money even in the offseason, and I truly find fulfillment in each part of my business without burn out.

Scaling my business has completely changed my life, and it’s completely possible for you to get here, too. I’d absolutely love to help you get to the same place without spending years guessing at what to do, feeling lost in the overwhelm of options, and implementing strategies you don’t know are going to work for you.

If you’re ready for work-life balance, freedom that you get to create, and to finally scale your income while being able to serve yourself alongside your clients, I’d be absolutely honored to mentor you inside of Scale It.


transformations / wins / results





scale by:

in module 1, you will learn:

This module will help you get everything set up correctly from the beginning so that your scaling helps you create work-life balance and more financial freedom for you.


+ How to set up backend systems and email funnels that allow you to scale sustainably - they work in the background supporting your clients and bringing in sales while you enjoy your life

+ How to manage your finances, pay yourself well, and build recurring revenue of 5K, 10K, or even 25K - so your bank account grows and you can feel comfortable in the ebbs and flows of business

+ Everything you need to know about outsourcing and how to do it properly so your business can run without you and you can get at least 8 hours back per week

What you learn and implement in this module are the exact reasons I was able to make $22,000 in May while I was in Japan, not working at all or signing new clients. Imagine how great your business and life will feel when your profitability doesn’t depend on you being present.

PREV module

NEXT module

Over our 5 months together, you’ll learn how to implement the 5 most advanced + impactful ways to sustainably scale your business.

Each month, new modules will be dripped out with practical education and actionable steps on the following topics:


scale by:

in module 2, you will learn:

In this module, you’ll learn how to use buyer psychology and other advanced marketing strategies to attract more dream couples and consistently book them at your highest package.


+ How to use buyer psychology to speak to each buyer type in your marketing and communications so that you can book more clients who feel like, “wow, she really gets me - how could we not pick her?”

+ Advanced, sustainable strategies for using Instagram as your “digital storefront” so you no longer have to post something just to stay relevant 

+ Powerful email marketing strategies that will create a list of dream couples who are locked into your personality, expertise, and photography style

+ How to strategically use email marketing to book your highest ($5000+) packages (this is the exact strategy I’ve been using for almost 4 years now)

+ How to utilize Google and Instagram/Facebook advertising to reach and book even more couples - and get an ROI on your ad spend

Imagine knowing that the content you’re putting out is actually working to consistently attract couples to your highest packages? Peace out price shoppers, couples who don’t value what you do, and feeling like you have to justify your rates ever again. Hello consistent inquiries, working fewer weddings while bringing in more revenue, and feeling genuinely valued for the work you do!

PREV module

NEXT module

Over our 5 months together, you’ll learn how to implement the 5 most advanced + impactful ways to sustainably scale your business.

Each month, new modules will be dripped out with practical education and actionable steps on the following topics:


scale by:

in module 3, you will learn:

Increase your average booking price and monthly revenue by consistently selling prints and albums to every couple without feeling salesy.


+ How to create awareness around prints + albums, and market them as if it’s the standard for every couple and their experience with you

+ How to implement an album workflow to promote the album at just the right time in the booking process - so your clients are excited to say yes to it

How to design albums that make your couples swoon without adding hours of work to your plate

+ How to sell prints on repeat to your couples and their families and friends, resulting in $1000 of bonus income each month or more.

Using the exact strategies I show you in this module, I was able to sell $6161.29 for albums in one month and $3895 of that was profit. This is possible for you, too!

PREV module

NEXT module

Over our 5 months together, you’ll learn how to implement the 5 most advanced + impactful ways to sustainably scale your business.

Each month, new modules will be dripped out with practical education and actionable steps on the following topics:


scale by:

in module 4, you will learn:

You can only be in one place at a time - but your team can be on location, serving your couples, while you fill your own cup and do things that you love to do. I’ve gone on trips, spent the day with friends, caught up on some sleep, or simply hung out with my husband all day while my team was out shooting. Scaling by building a team will allow you to increase your revenue while enjoying your life.


+ When it’s time to start building your team (so you don’t jump in before you’ve got all your ducks in a row)

+ Exactly who you need to hire for your team

+ How to find top-quality photographers + how to hire them

+ How to keep everything legally legit so you don’t run into any problems with the government or your bookkeeper

+ How to market and convey the value of your team so your clients are excited to work with them (and aren’t upset or wondering why you aren’t their photographer)

Adding a team in 2022 allowed me to bring in $52,000 more in revenue for 2023 and $30,000 of that was profit (removing the expenses from paying my team for their time, my editor and culler, etc) without ever having to leave my house to shoot.

PREV module

NEXT module

Over our 5 months together, you’ll learn how to implement the 5 most advanced + impactful ways to sustainably scale your business.

Each month, new modules will be dripped out with practical education and actionable steps on the following topics:


scale by:

in module 5, you will learn:

This has personally been my favorite and most fulfilling way I’ve scaled my business. Education is so needed in the photography industry, and I believe that everyone has something that they can teach other photographers. In this module, I’ll show you the exact steps to take so you can get started in the photography education world. 


+When or if it’s time to pivot into education for photographers - because you do need a certain level of experience in order to be successful

+The step-by-step process for starting the pivot

+ How to position yourself as an educator so your audience starts to see you as a mentor worth trusting

+ How to begin offering digital products, courses, programs, or workshops and how to know which one is best for you to get started with 

As I mentioned earlier, pivoting into education is NOT required in order to scale your business. Not every photographer desires to get into education, so think of this module as a bonus - it’s here for those that want to learn how to add education into their business, and if that’s not for you, that’s okay! However, with lifetime access to all modules, if you do change your mind in the future, you’ll know exactly which steps to take.

PREV module

NEXT module

Over our 5 months together, you’ll learn how to implement the 5 most advanced + impactful ways to sustainably scale your business.

Each month, new modules will be dripped out with practical education and actionable steps on the following topics:

“I highly recommend Scale It for the information and things you will learn and because you will get Claire as your mentor.”

"when I joined Scale It I was just doing local shoots and weddings, that was it. Through Scale It I was able to get inquiries for other dream locations, level up my packages, learn how to create an associate team, and feel confident in my emails & workflow! Through the google ads portion of the course I received some inquiries from some of my dream locations! I had no idea how to work Google ads before this. Claire was also a huge help and source of knowledge with ads and helping me create landing pages to take people to for these dream locations. She has a wealth of knowledge and does not gatekeep anything. I highly recommend Scale It for the information and things you will learn and because you will get Claire as your mentor. She is freaking amazing."



4 hot seat coaching calls // 2 times you're in the hot seat

At strategic points throughout the 5 months we'll have together, I will host 4 hot seat coaching calls. You get to attend each one and learn from others in the group.

You will have 2 opportunities to sign up and be in the hot seat yourself, where you get my 1:1 support on your business for 10 minutes. I will help with whatever you’re struggling with, answer your biggest questions, or review/audit whatever materials you want my eyes on.


Every one of these bonuses will help take even more off your plate, save hours of time in your week, and help you achieve increased revenue with each couple.

While everything above is really all you need, I can’t help myself.

2 GROUP calls per month to answer questions

Scaling your business doesn't happen overnight and it's not always easy. Having community and a mentor to support you will make scaling a whole lot easier though.

Nothing in business is a one size fits all and I acknowledge that, so you can expect 2 group calls per month lasting approximately 1 hour. You will have the opportunity to submit any questions and I will answer them live, in real time.


DAILY SUPPORT in our azura community

Not only will we have multiple calls each month, but you will also receive real time accountability, encouragement, guidance, and support from myself. No questions are off limits.

Additionally, you will be able to connect with other photographers in the program. Sometimes business can feel lonely, especially when all you see is glamorization on social media, so we won't shy away from the hard stuff while creating an uplifting community for all.


Client experience bundle: questionnaires, workflows, emails

Map out your entire client experience with a fully customizable email, questionnaire, and workflow sequence that’s created to improve your client experience and reduce your overwhelm. In having email templates, questionnaires, and workflows, you will begin serving your clients with a luxury experience and answering their questions before they have them. Not to mention, the time you'll be saving yourself by putting these processes in place.


($297 value)

Ad copy and graphics for Facebook + Instagram ads

Instead of spending hours on trial + error to figure out how to make your ads look and sound great, you get my proven templates that I’ve been using to attract dream couples into my world for years.

These templates will give you so much ease when setting up your ads and save you so much time. Customize as you wish and start booking or selling more of your products!


($147 value)

Album cover design template

This is the exact template I use with my clients to create beautiful cover designs, endsheets, and more. You will use this template in Canva (you don't need to mess with photoshop - phew) and customize as you wish to match your branding.

This template will save hours of your time creating albums and help you create beautiful album designs that couples can’t say no to.


($27 value)

Album and prints workflow + Emails

Each album and print sale you make is easy revenue in your pocket and allows you to provide a stellar service for your couple that they’ll thank you for for years to come. This workflow will show you when + how to implement albums for every couple - resulting in consistent upsells that are irresistible. It also includes pricing strategy and proven email templates for pitching and promoting albums and prints at the right time of the process so your couples are most likely to say yes to the offer.


($47 value)

Associate application and interview questions

This document has been perfected over years of hiring associates (team photographers). You’ll know exactly what to put on your application form and which questions to ask in an interview to gauge whether or not someone can be trained to be the perfect team photographer.

This takes the guesswork out of making sure you feel comfortable and confident hiring a team photographer to care for your couples.


($27 value)

Bookings tracker

Stay organized by sharing this with your associate so they know which weddings they’ve booked under your brand. This document will contain all the information you both need - including couple name, package price, how much you’re paying the associate, + all links to invoices. Help your associate provide a great experience to your couples by also including the couple’s timeline, hours booked, questionnaires, etc. If you’ve ever felt nervous about hiring an associate and sending them on a booking under your name, this tracker will help you feel confident through the process and know your clients are getting the level of service they deserve. 


($27 value)

Notion photographer hub

If you've been needing to get organized and improve your weekly productivity while keeping in mind the bigger picture plan for your business and your goals - this Notion template is your answer.

You can expect pages for weekly planning to-do lists, goals planning, planning hour / weekly reset guidance, a marketing planner, a location database, a vendor database, an editing list, a team hub, and more. You also get a video walkthrough of how to use the template.


($147 value)

What if just one module in Scale It...
Frees up 10-15 hours every single week? 

What impact will that have on your relationships, your well-being, your joy?

What if just one strategy in Scale It…
Adds $5000+ to your revenue every single month on autopilot?

What impact will that have on your finances, your financial goals, your lifestyle?

What if just one idea in Scale It…
Helps you run your business with more ease and less stress?

What impact will that have on your stress levels, your mental health, your sleep?

What if just one lesson in Scale It…
Shows you exactly how to spend your time doing ONLY the tasks that light you up?

What impact will that have on your happiness, your outlook on business, your productivity?

What would all those changes realistically be worth to you over a lifetime?
$20,000…$50,000…$100,000…or more?

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t miss your chance to finally start running the business and living the life you’ve been dreaming of.

investment details

Scale It

+ Lifetime access to all lessons
So you can refine and revisit as years go on

+ 5 months of coaching + community support
For accountability, support, and answers to your questions

+ 2 Q+A calls each month for 5 months
Get real time support when you need it

+ 4 hot seat coaching calls, 2 sessions in the hot seat
For my feedback on your business and materials as you implement

+ Over 10 templates + resources
So you can save time and confidently implement proven resources
+ Notion workbook + gift
To get your thoughts out of your head and dig deep

+ Exclusive discounts
To save a little money in all of your upleveling if desired

inclusions and benefits


multiple payment plan options available (as low as $260 a month)


Scale It VIP

You get everything in Scale It plus:

+ Intensive questionnaire prior to first call
So I get to know you, your business, and your goals and dreams

+ 3x 60-minute 1:1 calls
To help with implementation and personal hurdles

+ Done for you assistance with ads
For help getting your ads going and tracking analytics

+ 5+ page in-depth business audit
Of your Instagram, website, and one other chosen marketing channel

This is for the photographer who values hands-on, direct, personalized support and thrives with external accountability


multiple payment plan options available (as low as $360 a month)


only 3 spots available

“She truly pours so much into every single student as a group and individually.”

“I feel like I could go on forever about Claire as a coach. She was available all the time to answer questions. And it wasn’t just short answers, it was “do this, and here’s why. This is what I’ve learned. This is what I’ve seen. This is how I’ve seen others grow, this is what I’ve done myself.” She truly puts her time into her students. The growth that came from her program was insane. She truly pours so much into every single student as a group and individually.”


Did you know that only 15% of photographers make it through their third year of business? 

How many more years can you keep going in your business with the way that it feels now? 

How many more busy seasons can you endure, knowing that the next one will be just the same if you don’t make changes? 

How much longer can you handle being burnt out and unable to enjoy life? 

How much longer will you put your relationship, friendships, health, and hobbies on the backburner?

How much longer until you just can’t do it anymore?

If you’re ready to commit to making sustainable changes in your business that will support you for years to come…

I’m here to make sure you’re part of the 15% - but I don’t want you to just “make it through”, I want you to absolutely love the business + life you’ve created.

Have a couple of questions before you hit “apply”?

I’m busy! How much time do I need to dedicate to the program each week?

This program is designed for the overwhelmed photographer, so I know you’re busy, which means there is no fluff in the lessons just to make them longer. I’ve made them as condensed and consumable as possible. With that being said, I recommend being able to dedicate 2-3 hours per week on the materials + implementation so you can make the most out of your 5 months and get through the lessons and ask questions. However, with lifetime access to the lessons, you are welcome to go at your own pace and go back to the materials as often as you need to.

when can I enroll and when does the program start?

The doors for enrollment open again in November 2024. There are many reasons for this, the major one being that I'm currently in an active round with 12 students and I'm giving them my all! The next reason being that once we're done in June 2024, I believe that would be the worst time to open the doors again because it's usually busy season for every photographer. So with that being said, November 2024 will be the perfect time to start sccaling your business for 2025 and beyond. The program would start soon after with consideration of the holidays. You can join the waitlist for first access and exclusive bonuses!

Do I get any one-on-one time with Claire in this program?

Each student gets 2 opportunities to be in the hot seat for 10 minutes where you will get my eyes on your business. If you’re someone who thrives with one-on-one mentorship, I recommend upgrading to the VIP tier where you get 3 60-minute mentorship calls with me, as well as all of the other 1:1 benefits mentioned in the pricing section. If you're interested in one of the 3 VIP spots, in your application you'll tell me you're interested and we'll get it reserved for you!

When are the hot seat and q+a calls? 

This will be determined once every student is enrolled and I go over your onboarding form! I'll ask about your availability for calls and the time zone you live in. I'll be doing my best to accommodate everyone so that you get the most out of the support in this program.

I really wish I was in a position to apply for Scale It, but my business isn’t quite there yet. Is there another way I can work with you?

Yes, absolutely. Click here to learn about Book It - my 12-week group mentorship program for wedding and elopement photographers who are ready to master the foundations of their business so they can attract and book their dream couples at their highest packages. You can also click here to learn more about my 1:1 mentorship packages.

what exactly will I be taught in this program?

You can see the modules and bonuses here. The modules will be of pre-recorded lessons that are actually educational (no fluff), short, and digestible. I believe in actionable next steps after you learn anything so that you'll actually start seeing changes in your business, so after each lesson, you'll have clear next steps. Then when you need help in your learning + implementation, that's when you'll enjoy our Q+A calls, hot seat coaching sessions, and online community - in the moment support from myself. No topics are off limits.

I have another question. Can I email/DM you?

Yes, of course. I’m here to help! The best way to get in touch is to reach out to me in the DMs @itsclairehunt. You can probably expect for me to send you some voice messages (they're basically my love language, okay?!?!).

scale it is for you if: 

+ You’ve been in business at least a year and have had clients of your own (you haven’t just worked as an associate or second shooter)
+ You’re looking for long-term, sustainable ways to scale your photography business and you’re willing to put in the work to implement + test these strategies
+ You want to scale your business while focusing on work-life balance as a main component
+ You’re in this business for the long-haul and don’t plan on changing businesses for the foreseeable future
+ You have a few hours per week that you can dedicate to watching the modules and implementing the work

If you’ve made it this far, you’re showing me that you want to scale your photography business but you’re still not exactly sure if Scale It is the right mentorship program for you.

scale it is not for you if: 

x You’re brand new to business and are still figuring out who you love to work with and what your style of photography is
x You’re looking for hacks, tricks, or tips that will work quickly, and you don’t want to spend much time on implementation + testing
x Your main driver is money, and you’re willing to put in as many hours a week as it takes in order to hit your financial goals
x You don’t see yourself running your photography business for the next few years, you’ll probably close up shop soon
x You don’t have a few hours per week to dedicate to watching the modules and implementing the work

As with all good things, scaling sustainably takes time - the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see the payoff.

You won’t find quick fixes, hacks, or tips and tricks meant to change things overnight. Those kinds of things won’t bring you long-term success.

Scale It is about creating foundations that will support you for years to come. It’s about implementing advanced strategies that will give you longevity in an industry where so many quit due to burn out.

These things take time.

Submit your application now so that you can get started laying the foundations of your biggest goals and dreams.

Don’t look back in 3, 6, or 12 months from now wishing that you had taken the leap - instead, promise yourself that from here on out, every time you look back at today you’ll be thanking yourself for applying for this mentorship + putting in the work that will pay off for years to come.

Are you ready to commit to implementing strategies that will set your life + business up for success long term?

Are you ready to Scale It?

get access to the Scale it application now.

ready to apply?

get first access when enrollment opens in 2024.

join the waitlist